Saturday, September 6, 2008


Obama’s Existential Crisis

Read this for some trouble Obama is having.

The case for the West Coast Offense as the best football metaphor for the Palin pick.
Basically, it's a move that is different in methods that the other team can't quite predict or wrap their heads around.

Victor Davis Hanson shows how the Obama camp hasn't quite figured out just what to do.
Up until recently I think Obama has run an effective campaign. So why after a week of left-wing / liberal smearing of Palin, would he suddenly announce, "We're not going to be bullied, we're not going to be smeared, we're not going to be lied about"—when everyone will immediately recognize that all those complaints fit precisely—and only—what has been done to Palin? The neutral voter may well think, 'Why, yes, that is exactly what they are doing to Sarah, so why are you protesting when they're not doing it to?"

As another risky move. Obama is running to Hillary for help. He didn't want her as his VP but now that McCain has picked a scary girl Obama can't run to her fast enough.

Ace Notes something

Why was Sarah Palin deployed to knock Barack Obama on the surge? It's obvious, but I'll state the obvious anyway:

1) To start her talking about foreign policy issues.

2) Because she's the "attack dog" and McCain's the presidential candidate, rising above it to discuss his vision.

and, of course, three:

3) Because Obama wigs out whenever he's challenged by a woman, sweetie, and furthermore, because he absolutely cannot resist the bait of getting into a fight with McCain's junior officer.

No... Obama doesn't have a glass jaw that bad?
It does explain some of the vitrol against Hillary, but really... does Ol'Barry have a problem with opposition women challenging him?

Time will tell.

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