Thursday, September 4, 2008

After Palin's Speech: A roundup.

Ace of Spades has a piece on why the hardline liberals keep falling into these traps

You know the big difference between conservatives and liberals in terms of political acumen? You guys never see this stuff coming, because you're so convinced of your innate right to control other people's lives. You convince ourselves you're always the smartest guys in the room, and anyone who disagrees with you must either be so stupid or so luminescently evil they could never prevail in a campaign.

The Ronald Reagans and Sarah Palins surprise you, because you just can't even conceive of them. Your entire sense of self-worth depends on the proposition Liberal = Smart, Good, Conservatives = Stupid, Bad, so you can't imagine clever, good people opposing you.

Sure it's easier and feels better to make your rivals into unthinking evil monsters, but remember, in a contest between fantasy and reality. Bet on reality.

This extends to buying your own propaganda.

Oh, and... Good job so demeaning her you half-convinced the public she was a drooling imbecile and yee-haw hollerin' bumpkin who'd embarrass herself on stage.

Sure, sure. Smart move.

A former beauty queen -- who could have imagined she might be comfortable in front of a large, critical crowd, and might in fact even thrive in the spotlight?

A former television sportscaster -- who would have predicted she'd have some poise and savvy playing to a camera?

The other Roger Simon complains about the Republicans being "mean" to the media, and Slublog from Ace of Spades takes him apart.

Read it for the list of lies and fantasy that the media has tried to make about Palin.

Again, you bring up some points that are perfectly legitimate avenues of investigation. The problem with your increasingly defensive analysis is that you and your ink-stained compatriots didn't stop there. The New York Times 'flooded the zone' with three front-page stories about Palin's pregnant teenage daughter. So far the Obama-Rezko and Obama-Ayers zones have gone shockingly un-flooded.

Yeah, no idiotic bias here.

You want to know why conservatives roared last night when the media was bashed and why many of us have spent the week in a simmering rage? It's because you're hypocrites. You claim to be objective, yet have spent the past few days absolutely smearing a woman and her family because she had the audacity to be a conservative Republican. You have expended more time and effort discussing her daughter's sex life than you've spent looking into the business and political associates of the Democrat candidate for president of the United States. When you did explore Palin's actual record, you have often done so with little regard for the truth. You and your colleagues have relinquished your right to be taken seriously as honest brokers of information.

And what this column shows me is that you know it. Behind the sarcasm lies an attempt to justify your behavior of the past week. Your little snark-fest is step one in the rehabilitation campaign.

And the trap gets even bigger.

On the air and in print, liberal pundits are attacking Palin today. Some attack her record, some disgusting still attack her family, and some attack her for merely being a woman (prompting Hillary Clinton's aides to go on the record decrying these sexist attacks). These liberal bloggers/journalists—the line between them all but removed— continue insisting that Obama, a candidate with far less executive experience than Palin, is a better choice.

That's an interesting argument to make... if they were running for the same job.

Also is note that Palin wasn't angry, she was funny.

But Sarah Palin didn't court this anger with more anger. That would be a turn-off. What most frustrates Americans is that we are a happy, optimistic, can-do people ceaselessly harangued by media solons, delusional academics, post-sovereign Eurocrats, and the Democrats who love them. While we free and feed the world, they can't tell us enough that we're racist, imperialist, torturing louts. We know it's a libel, an endless stream of slander. But we also know it's an absurd libel. We're tired of hearing it, but taking it too seriously would give it power it doesn't deserve.

So Sarah Palin was sarcastic and biting. That's how a happy warrior deals with absurdity. That's how a happy warrior rallies the troops.

We are in a war against terrorists, and the other side has nominated a man who has been a friend and business partner of an unrepentant, America-hating terrorist. The press lauds Obama as post-partisan when even a cursory glance at his record shows he is as partisan as it gets. The press lauds him as post-racial, but he sat comfortably for years in Trinity Church, drinking in the racist ravings of Jeremiah Wright, and he sat comfortably for years in rough-and-tumble Chicago, playing by-the-numbers race-based politics.

Obama blathers about "change" but then chooses as his running-mate a Washington relic who has managed in 35 years to be wrong on just about everything while compiling a record nearly as slavishly Leftist as Obama's. In an era of complex, vicious, asymmetrical threats, Democrats give us a "community organizer" without a shred of executive experience who, in his years as a state legislator, voted "present" when it was time to make the tough calls. Except, of course, when it came to life: In a nation repulsed by partial birth abortion, Obama decided to make his stand enabling the practitioners of infanticide.

And of course. Victor Davis Hanson reports on more of Palin as a target.

We'll see how she handles national level interviews and tough questioning.

The interesting question is, suppose she handles that well too. How does that make Obama look? The Obama camp and the media do keep insisting on trying to compare her to him.

I can't beleive it. The Media is trying to defend "Community Organizer" as some great and accountable posion.

If our friends on the other side of the aisle really want to get into an argument about that... role (I hesitate to call it a job)... Isn't there something inherently undemocratic about self-appointed "community organizers?" For most community leaders — mayors, city or town councilmen, school board members, city or county attorneys and prosecutors, even sheriffs and judges in some jurisdictions... if they fail to perform, they can be voted out of office. They're subject to FOIA and sunshine laws, and local councils and boards have to make their decisions in public. They're accountable. Their meeting minutes and budgets are open to review by anyone.

Who the heck ever elected or appointed community organizers to their positions? By what metrics do they measure their success? To whom do they answer? Who removes them from their positions for insufficient results?

You know what would be the smart way to counter the mockery of Obama claiming being a Community Organizer was a great experience for him. List what Obama accomplished while he was one. Bring out evidence and facts of what he did. Not only would that prove Palin wrong, but it would make Obama look better, and would be damn hard to disprove.

So why don't they do that?

And now they're saying that Palin's speech doesn't count because she was just "Reading off a teleprompter well"
The link has a couple points on that, notably that she was reading about her own life mostly, which makes it a key difference.

The other part is... really? Does the Obama fanclub really want to try to paint someone as an empty suit who's only ability is to read speeches well? Do they want to die on that hill?

Another reason why Hillary can't be happy.
The number of television viewers who tuned in last week to listen to Hillary Clinton: 25 million.

The number who tuned in last night to watch Sarah Palin: 37 million.

I'll be interested to see more polls, but so far the results are good.

Also... more dangers of the Obama camp's idea of trying to compare Obama to Palin.
Obama leads Palin on experience among unaffiliated voters … by five points

Consider that most of the people polled did not really know anything about Palin a week ago, and then consider that Palin is running for VP. Obama is not.

Brilliant move Barry!

And Biben continues his gaffs. Calling Palin a "Lieutenant Governor". It's a higher position than "Former Mayor", granted she never was a Lt. Gov.

Now remember, if Palin made such a mistake about Biden you can bet the media would be all over it. Biden does it? They yawn.

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