Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Older TV

"TV viewers' average age hits 50"

Using 2000 census data the us population's median age is 35.3 years (up from 32.9 in 1900) This is rather close to the Variety cited data for US median age of 38 years. Presumably using more recent data.

So comparing median ages we can see that TV live viewers (the list doesn't count people that just DVR their shows and watch when they want and a study on those numbers would be interesting too) are 12 years older than the general public on average.

What does this mean? Young people are less attached to the TV.

Granted this is mostly due to computers and videogames supplanting TV, but at least those activities are slightly more interactive than TV.

The real importance are what the declining viewership and changing demographics mean for the TV companies.

Pretty interesting.

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